Vonage Business Cloud | Answer (2024)

Updated: 11/16/2023 9:08 AM

As a Super User or Account Administrator, you can manage all services and features for all users of your account in theAdmin Portal. This includes managing your users, extensions, billing, ordering, and more.

See our video tutorial for an overview how to navigate and use this portal.

To sign out of the Admin Portal, click on your initials or avatar (top left), then click Logout.

To manage your personal settings, such as Contacts, Voicemails, and Vonage Meetings, click your initials or avatar (top left), then clickGo to App.


TheDashboardprovides quick access to manage key features on youraccount.

Create UserShortcut to the Create User flow.
Purchase ExtensionShortcut to purchase extensions.
VR Holiday OverrideLinks you to our interactive guide for adding a holiday schedule to your Virtual Receptionist.
Free TrialTry a service free for one month, if available.
System StatusStatus of major systems. Select a category to see additional information.
  • Admin Portal
  • Applications
  • Features
  • Integrations
  • Voice Services
Transfer Number(s)Transfer your number from another company to Vonage.
Account ActivationActivate your account immediately or delay up to 45 days when your account is Pending and not yet activated.Any Emergency ServicesLocations in a pending status also display in this tile.

NOTE: This option is not available when your account is active.

Setup GuideGuides you through setting up and managing your account.

NOTE: The Setup Guide is only available for 30 days from account activation.

Choose Your NumberLists the number of lines and lets you choose or generate numbers, if applicable.
Recommended Add-OnsDisplays specific add-on recommendations to enhance your productivity, if available.
Earn Referral RewardsLearn about the Vonage Business Referral Program.
Phone System
Account Summary

Displays a list of all extensions and phone numbers on the account, including extension type and plan.

Account Summary Landing Page
  • Click Add New Service to add additional extensions to the account.
  • Click any extension to edit properties.

View and manageusers on your account by adding orediting users, resending the new user email, andresetting passwords.

Users Landing Page
  • Refresh the view, Print a list of users, and Export a list of users.
  • ClickBulk Editto edit multiple users atone time.
  • Add Users and assign an available extension at the same time.
  • Change the Super User (visible to Super User only).
  • Hover over a user for options toDelete, Resend New User Email,Reset PasswordorEdita single user.
NOTE:The Reset Password link a user receives expires in 24 hours.Whenexpired, the useris prompted to click "Forgot Your Password".
Edit Users
Basic Info
  • First / Last Name
  • Username
  • Password/Confirm (only displays for your user)
  • Email/Confirm
  • Secret Question (only displays for your user)
  • Select Group(s) (see Group Management for details)
Settings and Permissions
  • User Type
  • Update this user with important service announcements.
  • Allow web and mobile access.
  • Allow this user to set and block the Outbound Caller ID for their extension(s).
  • Allow this user to manage Call Blocking for their extension(s).
  • View Assigned Extensions
  • Edit Assigned Extensions
  • Set Default Extension
  • Assign or Unassign Extension
Personal Fax
  • View Assigned Extensions
  • Edit Assigned Extensions
  • Assign Personal Fax Extension
Edit ToolsHover over aUserand click theTrashicon to delete, Circle icon to resend new user email,Keyicon to reset the password, or thePencilicon to edit.

Apply basic settings that specify how inbound and outbound calls are handled, set Call Forwarding features, add phones or move a phone to a different extension, and manage Voicemail options.

Extensions Landing PageSearch by extension or Filter by extension type.
  • ClickAdd Newto add additional extensions.
  • ClickPrintto print a list of all extensions.
  • ClickExport to Excelto save a list as a CSV file type.
  • Click Bulk Edit to edit multiple extensions at one time.
Basic Settings
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Extension Number (Click Tag icon to Set Custom Tag)
  • Select Location
  • Assign a User/ Edit a User
  • Add a User
  • Reset Extension
  • Assign a Direct Dial Number
  • Call Continuity
    • Enter a backup number
    • Exclude from Dial by Name Directory
    • Block International Dialing
    • Disable Call Waiting
  • World Office (if available)
    • Select an available Country
    • 8-Digit Dialing (if country is Israel)
  • 7-Digit Dialing
  • Call Screening
    • Enable Call Screening
    • Call Announce
    • Screen Menu
  • Outbound Caller ID
  • Block Outbound Caller ID
Call ForwardingIfForward Callsis enabled, options to forward calls display:
  • Send to Ext. or Number
  • Follow Me
  • Simultaneous Ring
  • Add up to fivedevices.
  • Delete,Move a device to another extension, or Edit a device.
  • Select an Emergency Services Location for Desktop and Web apps.
NOTE: You can also view the auto-provisioning and registration of devices on your account to assist with isolating connectivity issues in the Devices page under Phone System. See Device Registration for details.
  • Voicemail Enabled/Disabled
  • Set number of rings/seconds before going to voicemail
  • Voicemail PIN
  • Send Voicemail to Email:
    • Delete Voicemail After Sending Email
    • Play Automated Voicemail Prompt
  • Out of Office Greeting
  • Unavailable Greeting
  • Busy Greeting
  • Name Greeting
  • Exiting Voicemail Options
Edit ToolHover over an existingExtensionand click thePencilicon to edit.

View the auto-provisioning and registration of devices on your account to assist with isolating connectivity issues.

Devices Landing PageView all devices on the account with options to:
  • Refresh the view
  • Print
  • Export to Excel
  • Manage Settings for Hoteled devices (Settings button)
  • Add Device
Edit ToolsHover over a device and click theTrashicon to Delete, Circle with Minus icon to Unassign, or Pencil icon to Edit.
Line Appearance

Monitor, answer and place calls from other extensions from your desk phone.

Line Appearance Landing Page
  • Search for existing Line Appearance.
  • ClickAdd Line Appearanceto add Line Appearance.
Add Line Appearance
  • Select an Extension
  • Select Line Appearance Option:
    • Shared Line Appearance
    • Busy Lamp Field
  • Select Where to Display:
    • Base Unit Only or both Base Unit and Expansion Module
    • Expansion Module Only
  • Select Extension(s) to Monitor
Edit ToolsHover over an existing Line Appearance and click thePencilicon to edit, orTrashicon to delete.
Phone Numbers

See a list of all numbers on your account with the ability to manage options.

Phone Numbers Landing Page
  • Search for numbers on the account.
  • Click Print icon to print a list of all numbers.
  • ClickExport to Excelto save a CSV file containingphone numbers on the account.
  • ClickBulk Editto manage multiple numbers at the same time.
  • ClickAdd Newto add additional numbers.
Advanced Filter SearchTo perform an advanced filter search:
  1. Click Phone System, then Phone Numbers.
  2. Click Advanced Filters (Top next to search).
  3. Select Country and Service Type(s) you would like to view.
Edit ToolsHover over a phone number for options:
  • Remove from Use(X icon)
  • Change Caller ID(Hashtag icon)
  • Change Custom Tag(Tag icon)
  • Update Call Continuity service(Handset icon).
Virtual Receptionist

An automated answering system that offers a range of options to handle and route inbound calls. See Virtual Receptionist for details.

VR Landing Page
  • Search for VR's on the account.
  • ClickExport to Excelto save a CSV file containingVR'son the account.
  • ClickAdd Newto add additional VR's.
Add a VR General SettingsClickAdd New, then clickGeneral Settings.
  • Virtual Receptionist Name
  • Virtual Receptionist Extension Number
  • Location
  • Virtual Receptionist Phone Number
  • No Caller Input Handling
  • Greeting Mode: play default, upload, or record a new message
Add a VR Schedules and Call FlowsClick Schedules and Call Flows.
  • A schedule defines the time and dates the VR is active.
  • A call flow specifies the behavior of the calls that occur within the scheduled time.
  • (Optional) Share Schedules to make them available for use with other VR's.
  • (Optional) Import Shared Schedules.
Edit ToolsHover over an existingVR for options:
  • Click the Trashicon to delete.
  • Click theCopyicon to duplicate.
  • Click the Pencil icon to edit.
Conference Bridges

Start a conference call with up to 30 attendees. Participants outside of Vonage can join by dialing the direct dial number associated with your bridge and entering a specified PIN number.

Conference Bridge Landing PageClickAdd Newto add additional Conference Bridges.
Edit Conference Bridge
  • Extension Number
  • Conference Bridge Name
  • Select a Location
  • Assign Direct Dial Numbers
  • Conference Password
Edit ToolHover over an existing Conference Bridge and click thePencilicon to edit.
Call Groups

Direct incoming calls to ring a list of up to 28 extensions either sequentially or simultaneously.

Call Groups Landing Page
  • Search for Call Groups on the account.
  • ClickExport to Excelto save a CSV file containing Call Groupson the account.
  • ClickAdd Newto add additional Call Groups.
Basic Settings
  • Extension Number (Click Tag icon to set Custom Tag)
  • Call Group Name
  • Set Location
  • Assign Direct Dial Numbers
  • Do Not Display this Extension in the Dial By Name Directory
  • Select Call Group Extensions
  • Dialing Properties
    • Blast
    • Sequential
    • Duration
  • Name Greeting
  • Call Screening
    • Enable Call Screening
    • Call Announce
    • Screen Menu
VoicemailSend to Group's Voicemail Box
  • Set PIN
  • Send Voicemail to Email
  • Delete Voicemail After Sending Email
  • Pay Automated Voicemail Prompt
Send to Another Extension's Voicemail
  • Select an Extension
  • Greeting Preference
    • Use Call Group Unavailable Message
    • Use the Greeting of the Selected Voicemail
Forward Unanswered Calls to Extension After Ringing Call Group

Play Greeting and Disconnect

Edit ToolHover over aCall Group, then click thePencilicon to edit.
Paging Groups

Page a group of phones by dialing a specific extension number. All extensions assigned to the paging group will hear the message through their phone's speaker.

Paging Groups Landing PageClickAdd Newto add additional paginggroups.
Edit Paging Group
  • Extension
  • Paging Group Name
  • Location
  • Paging Group Extensions
Edit ToolHover over an existingPaging Group, then click thePencilicon to edit.
Call Queues

Incoming calls are placed in a queue until an agent is free to answer the call. Callers hear music and prompts while they wait for an agent.

Call Queues Landing PageClickAdd Newto add additional call queues.
Basic Settings
  • Call Group Extension Number (Click Tag icon to set Custom Tag)
  • Call Queue Name
  • Location
  • Select Direct Dial Numbers
  • Agent Login Code
  • Pause Between Calls
  • Do not Display this Call Queue in the Dial by Name Directory
  • Name Greeting
  • Voicemail Options:
    • Set Voicemail PIN
    • Send Voicemail to Email
    • Delete Voicemail After Sending Email
    • Play Automated Voicemail Prompt
    • Voicemail Greeting
  • Caller Opt-Out Handling:
    • Do not allow the caller to opt-out of the queue
    • When caller opts out of the queue, send the caller to the queue's voicemail
    • Forward the caller to an Extension, Call Group, Call Queue, or Virtual Receptionist.
      • Forward to Extension
      • Go Directly to Voicemail
  • EnableCall Announce
  • Assignment Strategy
  • Select Agent
Hold Music
  • Playback Mode
  • Upload Audio File
  • Audio Intervals
  • Add Prompt
  • Option when No Agent Is Signed In
    • Forward Calls to an Extension
    • Play Greeting and go to Voicemail
    • Play Greeting in Continuous Loop
    • Play Greeting Once and Hang Up
View StatusHover over an existingCall Queueentry, then click theMagnifying Glassicon to view statistics of the call queue:
  • Call Queue Agents
  • Callers Waiting
  • Callers Connected
  • Agent's Name, Tier, and Extension
    • Log agents In/Out
    • Move agent to the front of the queue
  • Refresh Button to update the view
Status ToolsHover over an existingCall Queueentry, thenclick theMagnifying Glassicon to view queue information, or thePencilicon to edit.
On-Demand Recordings

Record calls by dialing a particular number. Each extension has 15 hours of recording time with the option to email, download and delete recordings.

On-Demand Recordings Landing Page
  • Filter by Extension
  • Filter By:
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
  • Click Search Recordingsto filter your search.
  • Click Refreshto update the current view.
  • Click Recycle Bin to access previously deleted recordings, up to 7 days after deletion.
  • Click Edit Recording Settings to modify settings.
  • Click Bulk Edit to manage multiple recordings.
  • ClickAdd Newto purchase additional On-Demand Recording service.
  • Review Recordings Usage Indicator.
NOTE: Super User and Admins cannot view recordings for extensions they are not assigned to. The Recycle Bin, Edit Recording Settings, and Bulk Edit only display for the Super User or rule owner.
Search Recordings
  • Calling Name/Number or Called Number
  • Call Direction
  • Date
  • Duration
Edit Recording Settings
  • Record All Calls
  • Select Legal Disclaimer
    • No Disclaimer
    • Audible beep every 15 seconds
Company Recordings

Create rules to specify which calls are recordedwhether inbound, outbound, specific phone numbers or extensions. The first time youvisitCompany Recordings, a welcome message appears to help guide you inAdding Rules.

Company Call Recording Landing PageHover over a Company Call recording to Play, Download, Delete or Share Recordings through email.
  • Filter By:
    • My Recordings
    • Others' Recordings
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
  • Click Search Recordingsto filter your search.
  • Click Refreshto update the current view.
  • Click Recycle Bin to access previously deleted recordings, up to 7 days after deletion.
  • ClickDownload Allto download all recordings.
  • Click Bulk Edit to manage multiple recordings.
  • Review Recordings Usage indicator.
NOTE: Bulk Edit and Download All only display for the Super User or rule owner.
Recording RulesDelete, Copy, and Edit rules.

Bulk Edit

Manage multiple recordings simultaneously.

Add Rule

  • Rule Name
  • Recording Direction
    • Inbound Calls
    • Outbound Calls
    • All Activity
  • Percentage of Calls to Record
  • Rule Owner
  • From:
    • All PBX Devices
    • Specific Numbers and Extensions
  • To:
    • All Numbers
    • Specific Numbers
    • Include Calls With No Caller ID (Inbound Only)
  • Call Length
    • Entire Call
    • First 2 Minutes
  • Legal Disclaimer
    • No Disclaimer
    • Audible Beep Every 15 Seconds
    • Play disclaimer message before call
    • Record or upload a new message
  • Start and End Date
    • Never Expires
    • Days of Week to Record
Audit Log
  • Search Audit Log:
    • Event Type
    • User Name
    • Start/End Date
  • Export to Excel
Permission MgtThe Super User can delegate permission to Account Administrators to manage their own recordings and rules, the recordings of other users, or both.
  • Select an Account Administrator
  • Create, edit and delete own rules
  • Play own recordings
    • Forward anddownload own recordings
    • Delete own recordings
  • Play other people's recordings
    • Forward anddownload other people's recordings
    • Deleteother people's recordings
The Super User (and Administrator when given permission) can also give all end users permission to view and listen to their own company call recordings.
Manage StorageVonage Business Cloud | Answer (1)Mark the option toEnable Automatic Storage Increaseto automatically add 250 additional hours when existing recordings fill the available recording time.
Call Monitoring

Listen in on calls, whisper to the user being monitored, or barge into the call to join the conversation. You can also view which extensions are set up to monitor another extension.

Call Monitoring Landing Page
  • Search for extensions, users, or numbers.
  • Hover over an extension for options to Monitor andEdit.
  • ClickView Audit Logto review events.
View Audit LogThe Audit Log saves and displays all call monitoring activity.A Super User and Administrators can track sessions by:
  • Event Type
  • User Name
  • Monitored User
  • Start Date
  • End Date
Edit Call Monitoring
  • Extension
  • Extension PIN
  • Legal Disclaimer
  • Choose extensions to monitor
Status/Edit ToolHover over an existingCall Monitoringentry, then click theMagnifying Glassicon to view which extensions are set up to monitor other extensions or thePencilicon to edit permissions.

Paperless and Personal Fax areelectronic fax-to-email solutions that let you send and receive faxes through email or the Web or Desktop Apps.

Fax Landing PageFaxes
  • View a list of Fax lines.
  • ClickAdd Newto purchase additional Vonage Paperless Fax Serviceor Vonage Personal Fax Service.
Personal Faxes (If Purchased)
Cover Pages
Edit FaxFax Settings
  • Extension (Personal Only)
  • Fax Name
  • Location
  • Fax Numbers
  • Fax Email Address
  • Fax Header
  • Fax Date Format
  • Fax Portal Access (Paperless Only)
  • Fax Storage
  • Allow Users To Delete Faxes
Send Settings
  • Send Fax Confirmation
  • Default Fax Number
  • Default Cover Page
  • Email to Fax Enabled
  • Faxes Can Be SentFrom (Email Address)
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Default Country Code
  • Use Default Cover Page For Email To Fax
Receive Settings
  • Fax To Email Toggle
  • Deliver Faxes To (Email Address)
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Email From Name
  • Email Subject
  • Fax Attachment Filename Format
Edit ToolHover over a fax, thenclick thePencilicon to edit.
Call Blocking

Block inbound or outbound calls, as well as exempt select numbers from being blocked by other users. There is no limit to how many numbers can be blocked.

Quick RulesAn Administrator can make selections to block inbound and outbound calls.

Quick Rules

  • Block Outbound International Calls
  • Block 411
  • Block Calls From Callers Without Caller ID
  • Block Outbound North American Metered Calls
Rule ListRule List
  • Search Rules
  • Export to Excel
  • Bulk Edit
  • Add Rule:
    • International Phone Number
    • Rule/Number
    • Type (Blocked or Exempt)
    • Call Direction:
      • Both
      • Inbound
      • Outbound
    • Comment
    • Apply to AllExtensions
    • Select Specific Extensions
Edit ToolsHover over an entry, then click theTrashicon to delete,Arrowicon to enable/disable the rule,or thePencilicon to edit call blocking rules.
Business Apps
Business Inbox

Send and receive text messages from a Toll-Free or Local Number associated with a Virtual Receptionist.

Business Inbox Landing Page
  • Search for VR's associated with Business Inbox.
  • ClickAdd Inboxto add an additional Business Inbox service.
Edit Business InboxAssign a Virtual Receptionist to Business Inbox.
Edit ToolHover over an inbox, thenclick Pencilicon to edit.
Click-To-Call Me (Super User Only)

The Click-To-Call Me generator lets Super Users generate a custom link for their Website and Emailwhichcan be used by their customers to quickly launch a call from the web.

Click-To-Call Me Landing PageGenerate links for websites, email, or both.
Generate Link
  • Select a phone number.
  • Choose a name (if applicable).
  • Select a button image.
  • Copycustomized snippet.
Receptionist Console (If Purchased)

View all call activity and use advanced call control features such as Call Park, Call Merge, and Call Transfer options to help you manage call volume.

Receptionist Console Landing Page
  • Search Receptionist Console Details
  • ClickAdd Newto add an additional Receptionist Console access.
Settings > Details
  • Receptionist Console Name
  • Location
  • Assign Extension
Settings > Call Handling
  • Ringing/Greeting options
  • Ring Duration
Edit ToolHover over an extension, then click Pencilicon to edit.
Smart Numbers (If Purchased)

Displays only if purchased. Lets you turn any number on anaccount into a Smart Number tocreate customized call flows on the Vonage API platform.

Smart Numbers Landing PageSearch, View or Add additional Smart Numbers.
Edit Smart Numbers
  • Smart Number Name
  • Location
  • Assign Direct Dial Number(s)
  • Vonage API Application ID
  • Smart Number Status
Account Details

View the details of your account.

  • Account Number
  • Account Name
  • Account Status
  • Contact Name
  • Account Creation Date
  • Account Activation Date
  • Bill On Date
Company Contact

View and editCompany AddressandCompany Contact.

Only the Super Userand Administrators can view and update company contact information.

  1. Signin to theAdmin Portal.
  2. ClickAccount, then clickCompany Contact.
  3. Update details as needed.
  4. ClickSave.
Emergency Services Management

Search, Add, Delete,Editlocations, andMove Devices.

  • View Disclaimer regarding Emergency Services Locations.
  • Add emergency service locations in both the US and Canada.
  • Select from a list of devices to assign to an emergency servicelocation.
  • Non-US addresses display as International.
User Permissions

Set user permissions to accessthe Call Dashboard based on User Type.

User TypesDisplays the total of each User Type on the account.
PermissionsA Checkmark icon indicates access for the User Type while an X icon indicates no access granted. Minimized categories display the number of User Types that have access compared to the total number of User Types on the account. To set access for the Call Dashboard (Web & Desktop App):
  1. Click the Bulk Edit button.
  2. Mark the box under each user type to grant access, or unmark the box to remove access to the Call Dashboard.
  3. Click Save.
NOTE: The Admin Dashboard and associated permissions are read-only at this time and cannot be modified.
PBX Settings

Manage default settings for Outbound Caller ID (CID), as well as set CID for individual Extensions. See PBX Settings for details.

  • Default Time Zone
  • 7-Digit Dialing
  • Hold Music
    • Playback Mode
    • Audio Files
    • Upload Audio File
  • Distinctive Ringtone toggle on/off (not all devices support Distinctive Ringtone).
  • Outbound Caller ID Number
    • Default Caller ID
    • Edit Extensions
    • Block all Outbound Caller ID
  • Robo and Illegal Call Management: Define how all extensions on your account should manage robo and illegal calls.
Message Settings

Enable or disable SMS and Team Messaging for the account or by user.

Account SMSEnables or disables SMS Messaging for all users on the account.
Account Team MessagingEnables or disables Team Messaging for all users on the account.
Disable SMSDisables SMS for the numbers you specify.
Disable Team MessagingDisables Team Messaging for the extensions you specify.

NOTE: The option to request an emailed report of all messages sent on the account over the last 12 months is only available to the Super User. Refer to theArchive section of this article for details.

Meetings Settings (Only Visible to Super User)

Toggle the Enable Meetings On Your Account option to allow or deny users access to the Vonage Meetings feature.

SMS Registration

Register your 10-digit lond code (10DLC) phone numbers with The Campaign Registry in order to send and receive SMS text messages.

  • View and Edit your company locations.
  • You must contact Vonage Business Customer Care to change details of the primary location.
Dashboard Settings

Search and select which users display in the Dashboard Directory view.

Single Sign-On Settings

View and edit Single Sign-On (SSO) settings and view an audit log.

  • Configure your Identity Provider (IDP)
  • Configure Vonage for SSO
    • Enable SSO for this account
    • Enter details of your third-party IDP
  • Upload IDP certificate
  • Customize your SSO settings. Mark the box to enforce Single Sign-On for your users
Audit LogDisplays an audit log of SSO events.
User Provisioning

View and edit User Provisioning settings and view an audit log.

  • Configure Vonage for SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management): Enable or disableSCIM user provisioning.
  • Configure your Identity Provider (IDP).
  • Customize your SCIM Settings:
    • Mark the option to disable user creation within VBC (users can only be added using SCIM).
    • Mark the option to disable new user welcome emails.
Audit LogDisplays an audit log of user provisioningevents.
Archive (Only visible to Super User)

The Super User can request an archive of all messages sent on the account over the last 12 months. Once requested,an email with a link to download the file is sent andisvalid for 24 hours.

Includes all message types, such as SMS and Team Messages,with time stamp, sender, receiver, and content.

NOTE: Available for U.S. accounts only.

App center Management

When enabled, users can request add-ons and plugins from the Web and Desktop apps. These requests must be approved by designated Admin(s).

Pending RequestsAll requests pending approval are listed here. Designated Admins can approve or deny the requests individually or in bulk using Bulk Edit.
  • Enable/disable App Requests. Enabling allowsusers on your account to request access to add-ons and plugins. Disabling this feature will prevent them from submitting requests.
  • Set which admin(s) can approve and deny app requests.

Purchase additional extensions.


Purchase premium calling features


Purchase plugin integrations.


Purchase hardware.


Refer toYour Vonage Billing and Paymentfor complete details on how to manage these services.

Bill History
  • Review Invoices, Orders, Credits/Debits,and Contracts.
  • Download contract information (if applicable).
  • Pay an outstanding balance.
  • Edit billing Information.
  • Download Invoices.
Payment Info

Add, Edit, Delete, or set a Default method of payment.

Manage Services

Review all services on your account and assign or un-assign eligible services from an extension.

NOTE:For multi-location accounts, users must select their location to view services.

Saved Reports

Saved reports are listed. Hover over a report, then click an icon to view, download (PDF or CSV), email, schedule email delivery, or delete saved reports.

My Calls

See Reporting and Analytics - My Calls for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download thereport in PDF or CSV
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View
  • Review Total Calls, Average Call Duration, Total Call Duration, Missed Calls, and Most Active for the following Call Directions:
    • All Calls
    • Inbound Calls
    • International Calls
    • Intra-PBX Calls (internal calls)
    • Outbound Calls
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.

All Calls

See Reporting and Analytics - All Calls for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download thereport in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Review Call ID, Date/Time, Duration, Initial Direction, Total Segments, Inbound, Outbound, and Intra-PBX calls.
  • Sort by column
Company Summary

See Reporting and Analytics - Company Summary for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download thereport in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View.
  • Review Total Calls, Average Call Duration, Total Call Duration, Missed Calls, and Most Activefor the following Call Directions:
    • All Calls
    • Inbound Calls
    • International Calls
    • Intra-PBX Calls (internal calls)
    • Outbound Calls
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, thenclick theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.


See Reporting and Analytics - Users for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Review statistics for all users and click a tile to filter call log
  • Filter by User or Clear filters
  • Hide Users with no call data
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View
  • Review the following statistics for each user:
    • Extensions
    • Phone Numbers
    • Total Calls/Duration
    • Inbound Calls/Duration
    • Outbound Calls/Duration
    • Intra-PBX Calls/Duration
    • Missed Calls
    • Answered Calls
    • Voicemail Calls
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.

Call Queues

See Reporting and Analytics - Call Queues for details.

Landing PageReports View
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View
  • Review the following statistics for each Queue:
    • Extensions
    • Phone Numbers
    • Total Calls
    • Average/Total Talk Time
    • Average Wait Time
    • Wait Time < 30 Seconds
    • Percentage Lost
    • Average Abandoned Time
    • Location
  • Sort by column
Live View

View high-level details of each queue and refresh the page as needed.

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.

Call Groups

See Reporting and Analytics - Call Groups for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View
  • Review the following statistics for each Group:
    • Extensions
    • Phone Numbers
    • Total Calls
    • Average/TotalCall Duration
    • Answered Calls
    • Voicemail Calls
    • Missed Calls
    • Most Active
    • Location
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.

Call Quality

See Reporting and Analytics - Call Quality for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Print the report
  • Review statistics for all users:
    • Click a tile to filter call log
    • Click View Full Report to view detailed analytics
  • Search the report
  • Show/Hide Columns
  • Toggle between Table or Graph View
  • Review the following statistics for each user:
    • Extensions
    • Total Calls
    • Rated Calls
    • Good Calls
    • Moderate Calls
    • Poor Calls
    • Average MOS
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.


See Reporting and Analytics - Meetings for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Review the following statistics for Meetings:
    • Total Meetings- total meetings during the selected time period
    • Total Meetings Duration- the time duration for all meetings during the selected time period
    • Avg Meetings Duration- Average duration of meetings during the selected time period
    • Avg # of Participants- Average number of participantsin all meetings during the selected time period
  • Sort by column

NOTE:InTable View, hover over a row, then click theMagnifying Glassiconto view detailed analytics and your call log for the current day.


See Reporting and Analytics - Messages for details.

Landing Page
  • Select a Preset or set a Date Range
  • Refresh the view
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV
  • Save the report
  • Print the report
  • Email the report
  • Review the following statistics for Messages: Total SMS, SMS Sent. and SMS Received
  • Filter by Users
  • Clear filters
  • Mark the option to only show users with message data
  • Show/hide columns
  • Sort by column

Vonage Business Cloud | Answer (2024)
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Article information

Author: Rob Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6692

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.