San Mateo Tentative Rulings (2025)

1. Tentative Rulings

  • Special Set Matters Tentative ...

  • Tentative Rulings Print Civil Law & Motion Tentative Rulings Presiding Judge Law & Motion Calendar

2. Notice: Law & Motion Tentative Rulings And Contesting Tentative ...

  • A party intending to appear in order to contest the tentative ruling on the Writs and Receivers Calendar must do so by emailing ...

  • PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that tentative rulings on Law & Motion matters will continue to be posted by 3:00 p.m. the prior court day, and notice of appearance to contest a tentative ruling will continue to be required by 4:00 p.m. the prior court day. (See Local Rule 3.10(c).) Tentative rulings are posted on the Court's website.

3. San Mateo (2688) - Search | Tentative Rulings

San Mateo (2688) - Search | Tentative Rulings

4. 2024 San mateo superior court tentative rulings

  • COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, AND SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO TENTATIVE RULING: To grant demurring parties' request for judicial notice of Judge ...

  • 404

5. Tentative Ruling - | Knight First Amendment Institute

  • Tentative Ruling. December 4, 2023. A.B.O. Comix v. San Mateo County. A lawsuit challenging the digitization and destruction of mail in San Mateo County's ...

  • December 4, 2023

Tentative Ruling - | Knight First Amendment Institute

6. California Tentative Rulings

  • Welcome to the most comprehensive collection of links to California Tentative Rulings and other helpful links. ... San Mateo County. County Site · Court Site.

  • The most comprehensive collection of links to California Tentative Rulings and other helpful links. Use the links to find California Tentative Rulings, Probate Notes as well as local rules, forms, dockets and more.

7. California Tentative Rulings - Coordinated Legal Technologies

  • Tentative Rulings · Case Inquiry Case Information · San Luis Obispo County · Superior Court · Tentative Rulings · Calendar/Docket · San Mateo County · Superior ...

  • Access court web sites and on-line tentative rulings.

8. Opposition to Motion to Compel Discovery - California San Mateo ...

  • Hearing and Disposition · Appearance at the Hearing · Continuances and Taking Matters Off Calendar · Tentative Rulings · Telephonic Appearance · Ruling and Order.

  • California Rules of Civil Procedure - Motion to Compel Discovery San Mateo - Superior Court of California - Local and Federal Court Rules Made Easy

Opposition to Motion to Compel Discovery - California San Mateo ...

9. United States District Court, Northern District of California | Richard ...

  • Announcements · Notices · Consenting to a Magistrate Judge · Quick Links · Cases of Interest ...

  • Professional golfers allege that the PGA acted an unlawful monopoly in suspending them for playing for LIV, Inc. They seek injunctive relief through a temporary restraining order that would permit them to compete in the FedEx Cup Playoffs.

10. San Mateo Superior Court Tentative Rulings

  • Web probate department tentative rulings for monday in the superior court of the state of california in and for the county of san mateo probate department 13 ...

  • San Mateo Superior Court Tentative Rulings

San Mateo Tentative Rulings (2025)


Do judges change tentative rulings? ›

Courts that issue tentative rulings usually do so the day before a hearing or on the day of the hearing. A court may modify or reverse a tentative ruling at any time.

What are tentative rulings in Cal Rules of court? ›

The tentative ruling may note any issues on which the court wishes the parties to provide further argument at the hearing. This procedure must not require the parties to give notice of intent to appear, and the tentative ruling will not automatically become the ruling of the court if such notice is not given.

What time are tentative rulings posted in Los Angeles Superior Court? ›

TENTATIVE RULINGS: The Court may post a tentative ruling online at by 3:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled law and motion hearing.

What court district is San Mateo County? ›

The people of San Mateo County are served by a Superior Court. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California has jurisdiction in San Mateo County. Appeals from the Northern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Can a judge overturn another judge decision? ›

App. 4th 1242 (Oliverez). Oliverez collected authorities holding that, generally, one trial judge may not reconsider or overrule an interlocutory ruling of another trial judge.

What if a court judge is biased? ›

Appeal: After a decision is made, you can appeal the ruling, citing judicial bias as one of the grounds for appeal. Judicial Complaint: You can also file a complaint with the relevant judicial ethics commission, which may investigate and potentially sanction the judge if the actions are below ethical standards.

What does "tentative decision" mean? ›

If the court issues a document called a tentative decision, it means that the court is tending towards that holding and that you should address that specifically in your next hearing/trial to try to change the court's mind if you disagree with it.

How long does a judge have to make a decision California? ›

1 Every California judge is familiar with the requirement to issue timely decisions under a constitu- tional provision (Article VI, Section 19) that sets a deadline for judicial decisions: 90 days after the matter is submitted for decision.

What is a motion to disqualify a judge in California? ›

A motion to recuse a judge can be filed by the prosecutor, the defense attorney, or the plaintiff or defendant in either a criminal or civil case. If you want to disqualify a judge, you must file a motion that includes specific language listed in the law at CCP 170.6. 4. This motion must be filed on time.

How long does it take the California Supreme Court to decide a case? ›

The court files its written opinion within 90 days of oral argument. The decision becomes final 30 days after filing.

What cases go to California Superior Court? ›

The Superior Court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor and felony criminal charges. Misdemeanors are offenses generally punishable by fine and/or county jail term, and felonies are generally punishable by imprisonment in the State prison and/or fines, or even the death penalty.

What is the rule 45 in Del Superior Court? ›

Rule 45(a)(1)(A)(iii) provides that a subpoena can command a person to do one or more of three things: (1) attend and testify (at a deposition or trial); (2) produce documents, electronically stored information (ESI), or tangible items; and/or (3) permit the inspection of a premises.

What is a permanent excuse from jury duty in California? ›

(5) "Permanent medical excuse" means a release from jury service granted by the jury commissioner to a person with a disability whose condition is unlikely to resolve and who, with or without disability-related accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, is not capable of performing jury service.

What is the age limit for jury duty in San Mateo County? ›

By law, a juror must be at least 18 years old to be eligible to be summoned and serve, but there is no limitation of age after that to preclude a juror from performing their jury service.

How much is a speeding ticket in San Mateo County? ›

Cost of a speeding ticket in California
Miles per hour over the limitBase fineAssessments, fees and surcharges
1 to 15$35$203
16 to 25$70$297
26 to 99$100$390
Oct 6, 2023

Can a judge change their mind about a sentence? ›

Yes. A court generally maintains power to correct an incorrect sentence. This means that if the sentence was brought about by a clerical error, the court can simply amend the abstract of judgment to reflect the correct sentence.

Can Supreme Court rulings change? ›

When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court.

What affects a judge's decision? ›

In the judicial realm, the legal cases should be decided based on relevant facts and law only with minimal extraneous factors. In principle, the decisions of a judge should be devoid of influences such as whether a judge is hungry, exhausted, or the manner in which a case is presented.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.