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1050 North Perimeter Road, Ste 101
Manchester, NH 03108
603 624-4339
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Welcome to Ndx H&o
Full Service (Crown & Bridge plus Dentures)
Years of Service: Over 15 Years
Number of Technicians: Over 15 Technicians
Products & Services
Crown & Bridge
- Captek
- Empress or other Pressed Ceramic
- Full Gold Crowns
- Implant Restorations
- Lava
- PFM to High Noble
- PFM to Noble (Semi-Precious)
- PFM to Non Precious
- Porcelain Veneers
- Precision Attachment Restorations
- Procera
- Provisional Restorations
- Zirconia Crowns
- Anti-Snoring Devices
- Bruxism Appliances
- Full Dentures
- Implant Restorations
- Over Dentures
- Partial Dentures
- Partial Frames
- Precision Attachment Restorations
- Vacuum Formed Appliances
- Valplast
- Hawley Retainers
- Space Maintainers
- Study Models
Ndx H&o
1050 North Perimeter Road, Ste 101
Manchester, NH 03108
Contact: Antonio Huertas
Phone: 603 624-4339
Total Distance:
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