1. Grekka Anvilsmash - NPC - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Grekka Anvilsmash is a level 70 NPC that can be found in The Waking Shores. This NPC can be found in The Waking Shores. In the NPCs category.

2. Grekka Anvilsmash - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Grekka Anvilsmash is an orc located at the Obsidian Bulwark in the Waking Shores.

3. Grekka Anvilsmash rewards no ...
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Heya, there are multiple Master Professionist NPCs around Dragonflight Zones. One of them, Grekka Anvilsmash “Master Blacksmith”, rewards 10 Mining Knowledge Points instead of 5 Blacksmith Knowledge Points. However, Bridgette Holdug “Master Miner”, does not reward any Knowledge Point. Both of the NPCs also share the same dialogue, so they seem to be the same NPC ID somehow.

4. Grekka Anvilsmash gives Mining instead of Blacksmithing points
Missing: anvil smash
I was collecting the knowledge points for BS when i talked to the NPC it gave me mining points instead and now i cant get the blacksmithing once

5. Get Profession Knowledge from Hidden Profession Masters
Missing: anvil smash
Scattered through the Dragon Isles are Masters of their crafts -- but not in plain sight. There is one for each profession, and they're tucked off in various corners of the world. Talk to them to get free Knowledge Points!

6. Hidden Profession Masters in Dragonflight Explained - DBLTAP
Missing: anvil smash
See AlsoSatucket LectionaryIn the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight players can find hidden profession masters all over the Dragon Isles. If a player has at least 25 skill in their chosen p

7. Guide: Dragonflight Hidden Profession Masters - Simple Carry
Blacksmithing, Grekka Anvilsmash, Waking Shores, /way 43.32 66.60, Obsidian Bulwark, sitting in grass behind righthand building. This is currently bugged.
Masters of each profession are dispersed throughout the Dragon Isles, but they aren't so easy to find. There is one for every profession, and they are scattered over the globe.While Masters do not have quests, speaking with them will grant you +5 Knowledge for Crafting and +10 Knowledge Points for Gathering professions, as well as +25 Artisan's Mettle!! When you click on them while you have the profession, a short dialogue choice called

8. Grigori Vialtry - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Grekka Anvilsmash, Obsidian Bulwark, Waking Shores. 5x [Dragon Isles Blacksmithing Knowledge], 25x [Artisan's Mettle]. Enchanting, Shalasar ...
Grigori Vialtry is a Forsaken located in Flashfrost Assault in the Waking Shores.

9. Category:Blacksmiths - Warcraft Wiki
Missing: smash | Show results with:smash
Articles concerning blacksmith NPCs and blacksmithing.
10. Changelog - Zygor Guides
Updated Blacksmithing Knowledge Treasures - Added profession master Grekka Anvilsmash. Updated Enchanting Knowledge Treasures - Added profession master ...
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