2024 Fall Quarter Newsletter (2024)

All students must CONFIRM in Workday and PAY in full by the purge deadline to complete the registration process. Failure to complete confirmation and payment by the deadline will result in the purge (cancellation) of your class schedule.

Payment Options

  1. Online (Workday) by credit/debit card, e-check. Logon to Workday and select the “Finances App”; then click “Make a Payment”.
  2. By Mail to Louisiana Tech University Cashiers’ Office, PO Box 7924, Ruston, LA 71272. Payment must be received, not postmarked, by September 4. Make sure to include your CWID on any mailed check or money order.
  3. In Person at the Cashiers’ Office, Keeny Hall 103. Pay by credit/debit card, check, or cash.
  4. By Telephone to 318.257.4325 to pay by credit/debit card.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fee rates have been set for 2024 Fall Quarter and are reflected on your Workday statement based on your current registration status, major, and on-campus housing assignment. Additional information regarding tuition and fees, as well as housing and meal charges, is available athttp://latech.edu/currentfees.


The first disbursem*nt of Fall refunds will be Tuesday, September 17. If you do not sign up for electronic deposit, your refund check will be available beginning Tuesday, September 17 from 10:00 am to 4:00 p.m. in the Cashiers’ Office, 103 Keeny Hall. Your student ID card is required to pickup your refund check.

Electronic Deposit Available for Refunds – Sign Up Now!

Returning students should confirm the banking information for student refunds.

New authorizations You will need your bank routing number and account number that are located on your checks or obtained from your bank.

  1. Log on to Workday and navigate to the “Finances” app
  2. Select “Set Up Payment Elections”
  3. Click Add
  4. Change Student Refund to “Student Refund – Direct Deposit”.
  5. Select checking or savings
  6. Enter routing, account and bank name
  7. Click Ok
  8. Return to main menu by clicking Tech logo

Update authorizations: set up Student Refund account:

  1. Log on to Workday and navigate to the “Finances” app
  2. Select “Set Up Payment Elections”
  3. Scroll down to “Payment Elections Requiring Setup”
  4. Click Add for Student Refund
  5. Currency = USD, Payment Type = Student Refund – Direct Deposit
  6. Select bank account
  7. Select “balance”
  8. Return to main menu by clicking Tech logo

Meal Plans

Louisiana Tech University offers several meal plan options to its students. All students in the residence halls and apartments are required to purchase a meal plan. Students living off campus have the option to purchase a meal plan, including Commuter Meal Plans. Please visit theFood Services pagefor more information on campus dining. You will not be permitted to change your meal plan for the current quarter after the first Friday of the quarter (Sept 6); however, another meal plan option may be selected for future quarters in StarRez during early registration or by contacting the Tech Express Office.

Tech Express Plan

ATech Expressaccount is designed for safe and convenient cash management and may be used for purchase at a number of locations on and off campus. Students can use Tech Express on campus at all campus dining locations, Barnes and Noble bookstore, and various vending and laundry machines. Tech Express may also be used for purchases at several off-campus merchants. Approximately40 local businesseshave enrolled in the Tech Express program.

For students needing a Tech Express Plan for Fall Quarter, please call the Tech Express Office at 318.257.4553, emailexpress@latech.edu, or visit their office located in the Student Center. If you wish to add Tech Express and have the cost deducted from your financial aid or credit balance for the Fall Quarter, please contact the Tech Express or Cashiers’ Office. The selected Tech Express amount will be charged to your student account, and your Tech Express Plan will be activated at the start of the quarter.

Commuting Students

Students who have fewer than 60 hours and who live with their parents and commute from a nearby parish are required to complete a Commuting Form. The eligible parishes include Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Jackson, Lincoln, Ouachita, Union, Webster, and Winn. Students commuting from outside these parishes will need to submit an off-campus application through the Student Life Office. TheCommuting FormandOff-Campus Applicationare available online. After the forms have been approved and processed by the Student Life Office, the housing and meal charges will be removed from the student’s Account Summary. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Life Office at 318.257.3396.

Financial Aid

Processing of applications for federal student financial aid for the Fall 2024 quarter is current. However, there are numerous applicants who have failed to return requested forms and documents and, in some cases, accept their award offers. Without these documents, aid cannot be processed to completion. Check the web site:www.latech.edu/finaidunder Net Partner.

The e-mail address for Financial Aid isTechAid@LATech.edu,and the telephone number is 318.257.2641. Telephone traffic to the Financial Aid Office is extremely heavy at this time of the year. We advise persons wishing to speak to someone in the office to call before 9:00 AM or after 3:30 PM. Office hours are currently 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday-Thursday and 7:30-12:30 on Fridays, but will become 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday-Friday on September 4. During business hours, you may also opt to chat with a live financial aid representative by visiting our website and clicking on “Let’s talk…Chat Live with Financial Aid!”

Stafford loan amounts are estimated only upon completion of the entrance interview and signing of your Master Promissory Note (MPN). New borrowers who wish to accept Stafford loan(s) must complete a Direct Loan Stafford Loan Entrance Interview (Undergraduate version) and a Direct Loan Stafford MPN at least 7 days before scheduled fee payment. Instructions for accomplishing the required interview and MPN are contained in the award letter. Students are cautioned that if they become ineligible for the loan funds before they are received, they will be required to make payment to the University with funds from other sources.

TOPS applicants who have had their records evaluated and approved by the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) will have TOPS reflected on their fee slips. Students who receive an estimated TOPS award(s) on their expense slips will be financially responsible for their tuition and fees not covered by other resources if the State later determines that the student is not eligible for TOPS. The final determination of TOPS eligibility rests at the State level after their office receives and confirms high school GPA, curriculum, and residency requirements. This process is on-going and new lists are received each week by the University. We will credit approved TOPS upon receipt of notification of eligibility from the State and acceptance of the TOPS award on your award letter.

All forms of aid are awarded based upon planned enrollment indicated on the Data Form. Budgets can adjust quarterly if you do not enroll in the planned class load. If your budget decreases, it can cause returns of disbursed financial aid.

Return of Federal Title IV Funds Policy

The Louisiana Tech University Financial Aid Office is required to administer a return of federal student aid funds policy that complies with the Higher Education Act Reauthorization of 1998. Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.


The Financial Aid Office recalculates federal aid eligibility for students who fail to attend, drop out, resign (officially or unofficially), or are dismissed prior to completing more than 60% of the class days in the enrollment period. Recalculation is based on the percent of aid earned using the following formula:
Number of Days Completed/Total days in enrollment period = percent earned

The date used in the calculation is defined as the date of last class attendance. The University must return any unearned aid that was applied to institutional charges. The student then owes the University the amounts returned to the federal aid programs. The student may also be required to return/repay some portion of the federal aid received as a refund by the student. Federal financial aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Perkins loan, Stafford loans, PLUS loans, and Grad PLUS loans.

Students who stop attending after more than 60% of the enrollment period has passed do not owe immediate paybacks!! Please be aware that students must have attended at least one class after the 60% point in the enrollment period. If this date occurs after the completion of more than 60% of the enrollment period, the student is considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV aid received. The following dates require no federal return calculation:


100% Federal Financial Aid Earned

Last Day to Drop with a “W”

Fall 2024

Attend on October 17, 2024 or beyond

October 25, 2024

Winter 2024-2025

Attend on January 29, 2025 or beyond

February 7, 2025

Spring 2025

Attend on April 25, 2025 or beyond

May 2, 2025

Additional rules govern Pell Grant eligibility. Pell recipients must attend each class at least once to qualify for the Pell award. Pell awards will be adjusted for non-attendance.

While this return of Title IV funds policy applies solely to students who receive federal financial aid, it must be understood that the Louisiana Tech University refund policy may also be applied to financial assistance received from other than federal sources. The student may owe a refund to the University on the basis of University refund rules. Details of the University refund policy are located in the “Racing Form” and quarterly “Expense Sheet”.

Critical Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

2024-2025 Quarterly Academic Calendars


Purge Dates

Classes Begin

Drop/Add Ends


Aug 28/Sept 4

Sept 5

Sept 9


Nov 15/Dec 3

Dec 4

Dec 6


Feb 28/Mar 11

Mar 12

Mar 14

Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance calculator provides anestimateof the costs associated with attending Louisiana Tech University. The elements associated with the Cost of Attendance include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books, Course Material, Supplies, and Equipment
  • Transportation
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses
  • Living Expenses (Food and Housing)

To calculate yourestimatedCost of Attendance, clickhereto be taken to our Cost of Attendance calculator.

Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance calculator provides an estimate of the costs associated with attending Louisiana Tech University. The elements associated with the Cost of Attendance include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books, Course Material, Supplies, and Equipment
  • Transportation
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses
  • Living Expenses (Food and Housing)

To calculate your estimated Cost of Attendance, click here to be taken to our Cost of Attendance calculator.

2024 Fall Quarter Newsletter (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.